Saturday, June 27, 2015

Busy Bee, Busy Week!


What a busy week this has been for me! It seems that when it is time to get busy it all happens at once. Everything piles onto one plate. Then at other times it seems that there is no action to be found.

For a while now, my schedule has been to work Friday through Monday. Then my new English assignments start on Monday, while luckily I get a nice weekend and get off Tuesday through Thursday to get my homework done before I start working again. That being said usually my daily routine consist of work, school, homework, and cleaning, repeat. That everyday routine was starting to get to me a couple of weeks ago. Since it was dampening my spirits the only thing I could do was change my routine up. Which I did, but somehow I bite off more than I can chew. In other words, when I decide to change something I want to do everything at once. Maybe if I was an octopus with six more arms or had some type of outrageous multi-tasking super power I wouldn’t be crunching up my time. So here is how my week goes… Monday I cleaned my apartment, received my new assignments for my summer class and worked at my job. Tuesday, I had a job interview for a different career, went to the lake with my friend, went to another job interview, visited my boyfriend, went to his little brother’s baseball game, and rode motorcycles. It was a fun actioned packed day! Wednesday, I woke up bright and early and headed to Arkansas to accompany my boyfriend to take a test for his next potential career. We were gone from about 8am – 9pm. I didn’t have to go to that but I would have been just a home body like I usually am, so I thought I would join him for moral support. We also went to the lake for a while and hung my newly bought hammock and relaxed. Thursday, I started a new babysitting gig. The baby was so sweet and a bundle of joy even though she was sick. That also started bright and early while her parents went to work and until 3pm. After I could have done my homework for my class but I was fatigued by getting up early than I normally do. From work I don’t get off until midnight and even then my body doesn’t normally get sleep until 3am the latest so I usually wake up at 10am. Waking up bright and early is nice and has some calming vibes every once and a while but I was not use to it since school got out in May. Any who, Friday I went on the road again to Kansas for another job interview with my boyfriend. That was another six hours in the car, I feel like I have been in a car all week more than I was at home. Later that day in a couple hours I went to work.

Goodness gracious! I’m sorry if I bored you guys with the details of my week, but it was a bit unbelievable to me that all of these situations happened in one week. I usually just hang out at home, do my homework and enjoy my days off. Maybe take a trip to the lake or pool on one of my days off, but I was on the go like a busy bee every day. It did feel nice to get out of my routine, but when it is all said and done… my laundry was getting piled up and my homework kept getting pushed aside. It was a challenge to balance having a social life and keeping up with my responsibilities. Something that I have had to do since I was 15 because that is when I got my first job, but seems that I need a different tactic every time. I am a person who always takes care of my work first before ever socializing, but work seems to be endless so I chose to socialize this past week. As that is all said and done, I really enjoyed spending time with my friend, my boyfriend and his family, and catching up with my wonderful family. I also liked how I had the opportunity to be interviewed for a couple jobs. Spending time with my loved ones was worth it even if I felt a bit behind in my class. Balance is also important to juggle work, school, and a social life. I am still trying to better manage my time, but I think that time will usually get the best of me. Either way, I’m sure this won’t be the last time when things get piled onto one plate.

Until next time, busy bee!     


  1. You definitely had a busy week. Your writing described it very well. It was easy to read, yet I still felt the anxiety of worrying about your homework and your housework. My weeks are crazy every week. You just seem to get used to it, and about the time I do, something decides to change. I count myself very blessed to have so many wonderful things in my life.

  2. You definitely had a busy week. Your writing described it very well. It was easy to read, yet I still felt the anxiety of worrying about your homework and your housework. My weeks are crazy every week. You just seem to get used to it, and about the time I do, something decides to change. I count myself very blessed to have so many wonderful things in my life.
