Friday, July 17, 2015


One of the goals that I have set myself to do this year is to be able to do a handstand and hold it for as long as I can. Ultimately though, stay in a handstand for at least thirty seconds and go from there. As far as my arm strength goes, I have never been one of those girls with a strong pair of arms. I guess not as strong as I would like my strength to be, then again my arms are not a total set of noodles. However, I would like to be able to do a handstand because I would feel like a conqueror. I mean imagine being able to hold yourself up, upside down, and hold that position in a nice balance. I would feel strong. I would feel confident to conquer anything that life throws my way, because if I am able to hold myself up in any which way, well… there will be a triumphed warrior awakened. I don’t know if this may seem silly to you guys but you know, to each their own. I just feel that this is something I can gain some life lessons by accomplishing. To some it may sound insignificant, but I do believe that there are hidden life lessons in doing a handstand. There is much patients to gain as one grows stronger each day. Balance is also an essential component, of course, to be able to gracefully stand still on your hands. The ability to balance is also important in life. There is much to balance in between work, school, social life, and your inner being. All these aspect when steady, I believe, keep a nice established structure towards a happy living life. These are just a few things where I see hidden memos as I work on conquering a handstand. I hope to accomplish this goal by the end of the year. If not well… I will keep trying.         

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